Upon running perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME I get
this at the end of the report:

REQUIRED module out of date: HTML::Parser
REQUIRED module out of date: Net::DNS
optional module missing: Mail::SPF
optional module missing: Mail::SPF::Query
optional module missing: IP::Country
optional module missing: Razor2
optional module missing: Net::Ident
optional module missing: IO::Socket::INET6
optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL
optional module missing: Mail::DomainKeys
optional module missing: Mail::DKIM
optional module missing: Archive::Tar
optional module missing: IO::Zlib
optional module missing: Encode::Detect

warning: some functionality may not be available,
please read the above report before continuing!

hence when i do "make" it says no target or
makefile found. I've tried searching on the
website and through google but can't find a fix
for this. how can i fix this? thanks.

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