larkim schrieb:
I own a couple of domains that are hosted on a shared hosting setup, for
which I don't have shell access but do have cPanel access.

For quite a while SA was working nicely, but recently it appears to have
stopped filtering many mails.  The reason I am saying this is that mails are
arriving in my mailbox (on the server) for which a few have X-Spam headers
written, but most of them don't.

The hosting is running SA 3.2.3.  My user_prefs file contains:-
required_score 4
required_hits 4
rewrite_header subject MATTSPAM
bayes_expiry_max_db_size 150000

At which treshold are the headers inserted, i dont see that value here?

I've had problems with toks files not expiring properly and the bayes_toks
file growing to 40MB, as well as file locks sometimes not being removed, so
daily I have two cronjobs running:-
ls -l .spamassassin/ to give me a file listing so I can delete any locked
files (get a lock about once every 5 days or so)
sa-learn --force-expire -D to keep bayes_toks under control

Both of these seem to work fine, and may be overkill.
What I'm looking for is a way (behind cPanel) to debug what is or isn't
happening with SA to cause some mails to be "seen" by SA and some not to be
seen.  I get about 5 ham mails per day, and about 1,000 spam mails, so its
starting to irritate me!!

Ooh, thats a bad ratio ;-).

Any help gratefully received!  (I don't pay anything for the shared hosting
as I get it free from a mate who is a re-seller, so I'm not really in a
position to hassle their help desk!)

Some ideas:
Check the logs (or maybe ask them to do so)?
Perhaps mails without headers exceed some "filesize tresholds"?
Without detailed info there may be only guesses ...




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