> > sa-update does NOT feed a local blocklist generated by *my* 
> particular 
> > corpus of spam emails.  Think of it as the RBL equivalent of 
> > sitewide-bayes.  Or think of it as a way of SA saying "when 
> I get twelve 
> > spams of score 10+ from ip will feed the 
> > auto-expiring RBL, which *SENDMAIL* works off of, thus keeping my 
> > *SPAMASSASSIN* load lower.
> How do you call SpamAssassin?
> If whatever calls SpamAssassin in your setup knows what IP the 
> connecting relay has, it can hopefully also do what you describe 
> above. SpamAssassin doesn't really need to support this (through 
> plugins or anything else) for it to be possible (and feasible).

And I did something very similar as well. The problem I found is that you
need a very large white list to avoid blocking big ISPs for a sudden flood
of spam. I ended up rejecting legitimate email far too often from the
temporary block. I still like the idea and would do it in a second if I
could change the 5xx reject to a 4xx try later type of block. But I can't'
without switching to a different MTA. 


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