On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 04:27:52PM -0700, sinnerman wrote:
> Hi All,
> I currently have SpamAssaassin setup on my FreeBSD machine and have trained
> it with spam and ham messages (greater than the min thresholds of 200/200).
> However, I'm not sure it's setup correctly, nor do I see any obvious results
> (reduced spam) of the training process. A couple of questions:
> * I'm running sa-learn from my own cron (i.e., as my login user), but I'm
> running spamd as "nobody". Since (I believe) the bayesian database is being
> created in my home directory, will spamd be able to access it, or will it
> instead try to access another database? Spamc is also being run from my own
> account. If this setup is not correct, how can I fix it?

I have a systemwide config so I don't know from experience, but are you
running spamd with -x or setting the user with -u? Because if you are, that
might be mucking you up.

> * I cannot get autolearn to work. I've set "bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam"
> to 8, but even with messages which receive a score greater than 8, the
> message's X-Spam-Status header still says "autolearn=no". Do I need to
> enable autolearning in some other way?

Do you have bayes_auto_learn set? That's what turns it on/off.


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