Obantec Support wrote:
> Hi
> i run sa-update from cron and last update seems to be Oct18 2007
> running spamassassin 3.2.3 on FC3
> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003 updates_spamassassin_org.cf
> first line is # UPDATE version 585505
> not seen any reports on list of sa-update issues any pointers welcomed.

Um.. What would lead you to believe there's a problem?

Updates for SA aren't like updates for an AV scanner, there aren't
updates every day. SpamAssassin doesn't need new rules for every new
spam email, so it's quite reasonable the updates are fewer and further
between. This is particularly on the released versions where there's
more of a "don't push updates without a good reason to do so" mindset.
When the need arises, updates are made, but they're not going to push
out all the latest unproven test rules to the normal release channel.

If you look at the SVN tags, there's no sa-update_3.2_* tag that's newer
than: sa-update_3.2_20071017134827

Which is from October 17, 20007.

See for yourself:  http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/spamassassin/tags/

If you look back, there were no updates to 3.2 between July 15 and
September 4 (51 days). Then 8 updates between September 21 and October
17th (26 days, for an average of 1 every 3.25 days). This is perfectly
normal. The dev team is just reacting to changes in spam when they occur..

There's some newer stuff in the 3.3 development branch sa-update, but
that's a devel branch, there's going to be lots of in-development rules
freely published to it with less testing.

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