Qnet .. wrote:
> Thank you so much.
> My
> Qmail server have 1GB RAM
> now I set -m 20.
> My doubt is:  what consequences it implies over queue ?
It depends a bit on where in your mail processing spamc is called.

I *think* you're using spamcontrol under qmail, which calls spamassassin
at the SMTP data phase.

If you are calling SA at the SMTP data phase, this will essentially
"bottleneck" your server to 20 simultaneous email messages in the data
phase. You can have more connections, but they'll queue up waiting for
the data phase OK.

>                     i will have more spam ?
No, not generally. If your spamd children are desperately too low, then
spamc clients will eventually time out and skip the scan, but that's
unlikely unless your mail load is *really* high.
>                     What is "normal" high load for a server?
What's a "high load"?

Really there's no general "normal" for a "high load" because everyones
definition of "high load" is different. What's your average message load
like? 100,000 messages a day? 1 million a day? 10 million a day?

Assuming an average scan time of 2 seconds per message, 20 spamds could
theoretically handle 864,000 messages a day. Of course, email rate isn't
exactly smooth throughout the day, mid-day rates can easily be 4 times
higher than overnight rates, but it's still enough for 100k/day, but not
enough for 1 million.

Also, your scan time may be noticeably higher, or lower, than 2 seconds,
depending on what features you've got enabled, if you've got local RBL
servers (ie: rsync and rbldnsd), if you're using "expensive" plugins
like fuzzyocr.. However, it's a good rough estimate to start from.

> Thank you and sorry for my bad english.

That's Ok.. I'm a native speaker of English, and even mine isn't so great..

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