Philip Prindeville wrote:
> [snip]
> Could they have just *deleted* the Received: lines they didn't want to
> show?  "No, of course not.  That would be too easy.  Let's mangle them
> into something that doesn't conform to RFC-822 instead."
> As it is, they were leaking hostnames through the "Reference:" and
> "Message-Id:" fields anyway...  but we won't talk about that.

and removing these breaks "conversations", and makes messages in the
"Sent" folder different than messages that are really sent.

> They couldn't even leave the "id" and "timestamp" fields in the
> Received: lines because that would be revealing... ummm...
> revealing...  uhh...  how many licks it takes to get to the center of
> a tootsie pop... or some such nonsense.

that would reveal that their clock is out of sync :)

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