Morvan Daniel,

> I use amavisd-new with spamassassin loaded as a perl module.
> My actual config:  /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf:
> $sa_tag_level_deflt = 2.0;     # 2+ put X-Spam-Status headers only
> $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0;    # 5+ put X-Spam-Flag = YES
> $sa_kill_level_deflt = 8;      # 8+ send to quarantine
> $sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 20;  # 20+ send to /dev/null
> I would like that messages classified from level 8 to 13 goes to a junk
> mailbox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and only above goes to the quarantine!
> What I need to add to my config to do that!

You actually want two levels of a quarantine, the first level to be
delivered to a mailbox, and the second level to a normal quarantine.
There is currently only one level of quarantining, but it is possible
to achieve the desired effect by putting a tag3_level to good use,
along with appending address extensions and a little help from a MTA:

$sa_tag_level_deflt  =  2;  # insert spam headers
$sa_tag2_level_deflt =  5;  # let spam headers say YES, spam
$sa_tag3_level_deflt =  8;  # by default no effect, but see below
$sa_kill_level_deflt = 13;  # block mail and quarantine
$sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 20;  # suppress quarantine above that level

$recipient_delimiter = '+';

# here is a little tricky part: turn on address extensions at tag3_level
$addr_extension_maps_by_ccat{CC_SPAMMY.',1'} = ['junk'];

So in addition to your previous behaviour, the range of spam scores
between 8 and 13 will still pass on (with spam headers added), but will
also have recipient addresses modified to include a '+junk' at the
end of a local part, e.g.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Note that only recipients in local domains receive this treatment
(i.e. inbound and internal mail), so make sure to have local_domains
configured correctly.

The rest is up to a MTA to decide what to do with an address extension
'+junk' - to ignore it, or to deliver it to a user's dedicated mailbox,
or to rewrite it to some common junk mailbox such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To achieve the later with Postfix, tell it the extensions delimiter is a '+'
and add a virtual map which will rewrite [EMAIL PROTECTED]
into [EMAIL PROTECTED] For example:

  recipient_delimiter = +

  virtual_alias_maps =

/etc/postfix/virtual_mapping_pcre :

  /^(.*)\+junk@(example\.com)$/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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