We're using SpamAssassin in our own filter. We call spamd
via the libspamc calls (specifically message_filter() to
do the real work). Everything works fine. Now I need to
figure out how to do large messages ( > 1M). I set the
timeout in the "struct message" struct and it times out
just fine and I can go on and do other things. However,
the spamd process keeps on processing the message, chewing
up CPU and, especially, memory. I can see the timeout happen,
as the log file gets:

Nov 29 16:10:34 developer spamd[1803]:  (child processing
timeout at /usr/bin/spamd line 1246, <GEN5> line 154408.

10 minutes after it's started, but it still is processing the
message since it continues printing out rules that hit. Is
there some way I can tell spamd that I'm going away now and
it should stop processing the message? If I let it go, it
will eventually lock up my entire computer, not letting me
even move the mouse. Needless to say, that won't fly for
production use. So I could really use some way to tell it
to give up. If the only way is to not scan messages over a
certain size, I guess I'll have to live with that, but I
need to be able to tell TPTB that that's how it has to be.

Brian Bebeau

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