Hello List,

As an editor for the german Linux Magazine I am looking for an author who 
would want to write articles for our "Linux Technical Review 07 Spam" about 
solutions,  possibilities and the current state-of-the-art of spamassassin, 
rules updates (rules du jour, sare,...) and its affiliated 
programs/libraries, and measures against Splog and Botnets.

If you feel like you could write about 5+ pages on one of these topics with a 
a technically skilled audience in mind (most of our readers are experienced 
administrators, technicians and executives in IT departments ), I would be 
very happy to receive an email to:


I can then provide more information, if you need. Don't worry about language, 
we will translate the article to German. The ultimate deadline would be in 
about 4 Weeks.

Thank you!

Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Markus Feilner

Feilner IT Linux & GIS
Linux Solutions, Training, Seminare und Workshops - auch Inhouse
Koetztingerstr 6c                93057 Regensburg
Telefon:                        +49 941 8 10 79 89
Mobil:                           +49 170 3 02 70 92
WWW: www.feilner-it.net mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My new book - Out now: http://www.packtpub.com/openvpn/book
OPENVPN : Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks

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