Matsaki wrote:
New to spamassassin I now got it up and running on my server with ubuntu,
postfix, dovecot.

The only problem I have now is that i have created a mailaccount called
"spamtrap" but I can't manage to get the SPAM: classified email redirected
to the mailbox. So some help would be appreciated.

that's a job for your MTA or MDA.
- if you deliver mail using the dovecot lda, then you can ask on either postfix or dovecot lists - if you deliver mail using postfix (no external LDA), then ask on the postfix list

When doing so, please
- show how you are delivering mail
- how you are filtering mail.

consider using amavisd-new where you can redirect spam (for example to [EMAIL PROTECTED], then depending on user prefs, you can alias the latter to your spamtrap).

Note that this is not really a spamtrap... it's just a Junk mailbox.

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