On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, John D. Hardin wrote:

> > m,https?://(?:[^\./]+\.)*goo+gle(?:pages)?\.(?:[a-z][a-z][a-z]?(?:\.[a-z][a-z])?)/+.*[?&](?:btni|adurl),i

If I understand that pattern, both the '*' are 'unbounded'???

This might 'break' your spamfilter, if spamassassin gobbles
up all memory during analysis.  Better replace any unbounded
'*' by reasonable length {0,N}, with N a little more than the
seen strings.


Christoph von Stuckrad      * * |nickname |<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   \
Freie Universitaet Berlin   |/_*|'stucki' |Tel(days):+49 30 838-75 459|
Mathematik & Informatik EDV |\ *|if online|Tel(else):+49 30 77 39 6600|
Takustr. 9 / 14195 Berlin   * * |on IRCnet|Fax(alle):+49 30 838-75 454/

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