I am running SpamAssassin version 3.1.7 with Postfix via amavisd on a FreeBSD machine.

In the last few weeks, all of a sudden messages with the same 4 or 5 subject lines started coming through undetected for some reason.

So I decided to add patterns matching those to /usr/local/share/spamassassin/60_whitelist_subject.cf

They are in the form of:

blacklist_subject    *<string>*

All of them seemed to work, except for one. I continue to get messages with the following Subject header:

:: 86% Cheaper than Original Price: aRolex, Cartier, Omega, Chanel, Tag Heuer,

I had tried adding the following entries:

blacklist_subject       *Cheaper than Original Price*
blacklist_subject       *aRolex*

...but to no avail.

Is there some pattern in that subject line that allows it to come through unscathed?

You might want to look at the message source. I'm not intimately familiar with the whitelist subject plugin, but it's possible there's some kind of HTML or encoding in the original subject line that your email client is translating, but the whitelist_subject plugin isn't...

You might also check for two subject headers in the message.. SA might be using one, but your client may be using the other..

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