
I'm a student at Rutgers University. I've been running SA on my own
mailserver (handling 3 users) for a few years now. I recently came into
some new hardware, and replaced the old mailserver with a new one
running Solaris 10. I'm using SpamAssassin 3.02 in the blastwave.org
package. I'm using Postfix for an MTA and Procmail as MDA, with mail
being filtered through SA by procmail.

I can't seem to find much verbose documentation on this method - I
gather that it's nowhere near as preferred as running spamd.

However, I can't help but notice that SA doesn't seem to be logging
anything anywhere. Spam is getting caught and dealt with by procmail
(moved to .spam folder) and the SA headers are there and correct. But I
was wondering if there is some way to get SA to log to a central log file?

Thanks for any suggestions,

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