I sometimes get SVN notifications that contain lists of files and their
status. The filenames will often get picked up by the URI matching
algorithm, each of which end up being processed through numerous lookups
(URICOUNTRY, my LDAP filter, etc). Sometimes I get very large messages
with hundreds of file lists, which in turn causes spamassassin to go into
never-never land while it thinks about the hundreds of "URI" matches.

For example,

  A    fpo/reports/perl/nagios_notifications1.pl.bak
  A    foo/reports/perl/nagios_outages1.pl
  A    foo/reports/perl/GWIR.pm

nagios_outages1.pl will be determined as a URI for .pl domain and GWIR.pm
will be determined as a URI for .pm domain, and so forth. The only way to
get these messages through is to disable spamassassin...

I've updated to 3.2.4 just now and it still has the same problem

I'm guessing the URI analyzer needs to be smarter.

Eric A. Hall                                        http://www.ehsco.com/
Internet Core Protocols          http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/

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