MK> Why would there ever be a problem fitting on one line? Lines aren't
MK> limited to 80 characters or anything silly like that..

MK> That sounds a bit like complaining that a ship must fit in the water..
MK> There's a whole ocean out there, so who cares if you can't put one
MK> boat in 2 rain puddles..

Call me old fashioned, but I still want to be able to keep lines to a
length I prefer.

Yes I imagine your world probably looks like editing a Wikipedia
article with its long lines, but in mine, emacs:
  toggle-truncate-lines is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `simple.el'.
  Toggle whether to fold or truncate long lines for the current buffer.
  With arg, truncate long lines iff arg is positive.
Both are uncomfortable with long lines.
Also how do you print long lines on a line printer? Never mind.

Anyway, maybe talk about the problem, maybe
not. Don't tell me I'm the only one who is still line-length aware.

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