On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Rob McEwen wrote:

> Andy Dills wrote:
> > ...the people in charge of uribl.com have decided to set a pretty low
> > threshold for blacklisting DNS servers from querying, demanding that people
> > who hit that threshold pay them a rather exorbitant rate for a data feed.
> >   
> Andy,
> Does the fee you describe pay for (a) being allowed to do a high volume of
> direct DNS queries, ..OR.. (b) does it pay for an RSYNC feed to
> rbldnsd-formatted files?

It's for some sort of rynsc-like feed (I don't believe it uses rsync). I 
don't believe they offer (a).

> If that is for high-volume direct queries, then why not check and see what an
> RSYNC-feed of an rbldnsd-formatted file might do for you, and the costs of the
> RSYNC feed?

Yeah, it's just a bottom line reality that the cheapest fee they will 
accept ($1450/year) in no way corresponds to any sort of bottom-line ROI. 
The cost is out of line with the value of their service.

> (Also, at one point, you mentioned SURBL... but that was a typo and you are
> talking about URIBL, correct?)

Yes, sorry...I meant URIBL. The SURBL people have always been very cool.


Andy Dills
Xecunet, Inc.

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