On Friday 22 February 2008 17:52:13 Rosenbaum, Larry M. wrote:
> > From: Andreas Ntaflos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To spamassassin this spam appears to come from myself. It scored a low
> > AWL but
> > over 16 points all in all so the next message received from
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] would certainly get high AWL score.
> >
> > My questions are these: did I get this right? Is that really what seems
> > to be
> > happening? If so, how do I handle such a scenario? When it is so easy
> > to
> > forge header fields does it even make sense to have an AWL that assigns
> > scores based on where the mail *appears* to be coming from?
> The AWL classifies its history by both return address and IP.  It sounds
> like in your case it is using the wrong IP, which may indicate problems
> with your trust path.  Please see
> http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/TrustPath

Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately I'm not sure how setting 
trusted_networks will help me, or how to test if it does. 

As far as I understand none of the symptoms described in the wikipage you 
linked are observed in my problematic scenario? Are there any other reasons 
why AWL would continuously score in the wrong direction (i.e. positive)?

Maybe I should explain my setup a little further. I, as many others nowadays, 
have several email addresses and use a single mailserver (under my control) 
to retrieve mails (with getmail, and getmail putting retrieved mail through 
external filters such as spamc and clamscan) from several other mailservers 
(not under my control). I use my mailserver to send out mails for these 
addresses, using postfix (with SASL auth) and amavisd (amavisd is configured 
to bypass spam and virus checks for users who have authenticated successfully 
through SASL).

So I added my mailserver to the trusted_networks but after removing that 
particularly troublesome address from the whitelist 
(spamassassin --remove-addr-from-whitelist) and a few tests it seems that AWL 
again scores in the wrong direction. Should I also add the remote mailserver 
that is final destination for that troublesome address to trusted_networks?

What else can I check to solve that problem? What else can I read to 
understand the problem better? Because now I am not sure anymore that I *do* 
really understand. Please forgive my ignorance.

Andreas Ntaflos 
Vienna, Austria 

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