On 23/02/2008 8:34 PM, giga328 wrote:
> I'm testing SpamAssassin and I'm getting false positives. Both tests
> ALL_TRUSTED and DOS_OE_TO_MX are firing for emails sent by Outlook Express
> for local clients and it seems like I have something wrong in *_networks.
> Here is my setup:
> All my servers and my clients IP are in trusted_networks
> First server is receiving email from Internet (acting as MX) and it is in
> trusted_networks and in internal_networks. This server is not problematic
> one.
> Second server is receiving email from my clients and it is in
> trusted_network and in msa_networks
> Third server is spamd server (and it is in trusted_networks).
> Client is Outlook Express sending ham.
> Any idea where is my problem?

Please post the full received headers of the problem message and your
trusted/internal/msa networks config.  If you're paranoid about publicly
posting them you can send them to me directly.


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