Kathryn Allan wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > I just did the brute force thing and looked for an entire phrase from
> > that message.  It really isn't worthy and this will change very
> > quickly such that any rule I post now won't be interesting to have in
> > a ruleset in a couple of days.  It needs to expire.
> How do you set a rule to expire?

I use 'at' to set up a reminder email from cron to myself at some time
in the future.

  $ at 8 am + 1 week
  at> echo "Remember to clean up that hacked TV_ARM_SPAM rule." |
  at>   mailx -s "SA Rule Cleanup Reminder" rwp

A week from now when I get the reminder in my mailbox I will look at
things and decide what to do about it then.  I prefer email for my
todo lists and reminders and use this a lot.

Somehow I don't think that is the answer you were expecting but it is
what I do just the same. :-)


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