    i am using spamassassin 3.2.3 with qmail and simscan, the problem i have it 
is that my authenticated smtp
users have any mails rejected because a high score, i know i can use other ip 
not listed in mx of the domains
to create a server with required authentication where i should not scan for 
spam (and make my users send with
that) but i would like to search other solution, i would like to create a 
spamassassin rule with a -100 score
that search for an environment variable but i have not found anything about 
that in the
page|wiki|mailing-list, it is that possible to do? when qmail authenticate the 
users adds the variable
SMTP_AUTH_USER so when spamc it is launched from simscan this variable should 
be there yet. I am using now
whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but it is not a good idea because many spammers change 
the "From" address domain
to be the same of the rcpto.

Best Regards,
Miguel Angel.

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