> If I understand your question correctly... The latter. Obfuscation.
> You did have a look at the rules file and the rules description, right?
> It's about injected HTML tags "inside" words or to hide part of the
> gibberish as a means of preventing plain word matching, IIRC. It's been
> a while, but if memory serves me right, Jennifer picked the rules name,
> because these stand out like, well, backhair. ;)
> Anyway, why are you asking? You're not pondering to use it, are you?
>   guenther

Thank you for the info

I looked at the file, yet as a rule making novice it didn't mean a lot to me
so I wondered what it does.

Yes, I was wondering if it was a good idea to include this ruleset.

Should backhair.cf *not* be used anymore with SA or latest SA 3.2.4 or ???


 - rh

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