> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 4 March 2008 11:44 a.m.
> To: spamassassin-users
> Subject: Blogspot (was Re: giberish)
> Michael Hutchinson wrote:
> > I don't know how the rest of you feel about blogspot links, but I've
> > never seen a valid/authentic one in an email that isn't spam before.
> I have.  In the last two weeks, I've seen blogspot links in the Drupal
> newsletter, the OpenOffice.org newsletter, Fedora Weekly News, and a
> newsletter for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund -- all things I've
> signed up for.
> And that's just me -- that's not counting anyone else on the mail
> I manage.  I set up a rule to match blogspot links, and tracked the
> results.  It hit things like the Slashdot daily summary, and several
> newsletters & mailing lists that I couldn't guess whether the
> signed up or not, on topics ranging from chess to ASP to financial
> to political opinions.
> And then there's people sending personal mail referencing a random
> post, or including their blogspot-hosted site in their email
> We do still score blogspot URIs --- but we only add 1 point for it.
> Scoring at 5 would block legit mail.

Fair enough, what works for one site may not work for another. We all
take that into account.

I might review this decision at some stage of the game, but for now so
much spam comes with blogspot in the body, and we really aren't losing
important mail, that I just don't care to do so anytime soon. We are
just flagging it, so the people that want their blogspot spam can still
access it, its just automatically filed into a separate folder by their

I fail to see why people tolerate systems that allow themselves to be
spam link targets. If making a blog on blogspot took longer, and was a
bit harder, I might accept changing the rule on our server, as spammers
would go use something else. But for now, it gets the Spam wand waved at
it, and gets scored hard. Too bad, never mind.

Disclaimer : this works for our site. Everyone's site is different, and
I don't expect anything I use for my site to be used by anyone.
Especially  without modification on it, or thought about it, first.


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