Hi all,

A few months ago we had to restart our Bayes database, as it went
corrupt, according to SA at the time. This was during an SA upgrade, and
I believe it was a faulty install that caused this. 

Our old database was running for years and is rather large ( I still
have copies ). The new one is rather small, and it would appear it is
causing us to be subject to a lot more Spam than what we are used to.
Even Spam in the score range 5-25 has increased, and less spam are
crossing the 25 points threshold than what used to. This is withstanding
that I have trained the database with our site-specific corpus of Spam
(reflects about 1 year of spam).

I have made the decision to attempt to reinstate the Bayes database, and
have performed the functions over at:
in order to try and make sure that the database is no longer "the wrong
version" or corrupt.

I want to add some confidence to this process by verifying that the
Bayes database is valid. Is there any way I can get my live server to do
this with Spamassassin, without employing the database live? 
Does anyone know of any tools that may assist with this?

It would be preferable to have Spamassassin check the database, but I
guess any verification I can get would be better than none.

I know I can build a Virtual Machine and all that but I really don't
have the time for this. Building another mail server to test a database
seems like a waste of time to me.. but if that's the only way Ill do


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