> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asif Iqbal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 3:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Upgrade SpamAssassin failing
> Still looking for some suggestion on this
> On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Asif Iqbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have tried to upgrade spamassassin twice with no avail. Current
> >  version running is 3.2.3 on Solaris 8
> >
> >  cpan> install Mail::SpamAssassin
> >  Running install for module Mail::SpamAssassin
> >  Running make for J/JM/JMASON/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.4.tar.gz
> >   Is already unwrapped into directory
> >  /usr/local/cpan/build/Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.4
> >   Has already been processed within this session
> >  Running make test
> >  cp sa-compile blib/script/sa-compile
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/sa-
> compile
> >  cp spamc/spamc blib/script/spamc
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)"
> blib/script/spamc
> >  cp sa-learn blib/script/sa-learn
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/sa-
> learn
> >  cp spamassassin blib/script/spamassassin
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)"
> blib/script/spamassassin
> >  cp spamd/spamd blib/script/spamd
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)"
> blib/script/spamd
> >  /usr/bin/perl build/mkrules --exit_on_no_src --src rulesrc --out
> rules
> >  --manifest MANIFEST --manifestskip MANIFEST.SKIP
> >  no source directory found: exiting
> >  /usr/bin/perl build/preprocessor  -Mvars -DVERSION="3.002004"
> >  -DPREFIX="/usr/local" -
> DDEF_RULES_DIR="/usr/local/share/spamassassin"
> >  -DLOCAL_RULES_DIR="/etc/mail/spamassassin"
> >  -DLOCAL_STATE_DIR="/var/lib/spamassassin"
> >  -DINSTALLSITELIB="/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0"
> >  -DCONTACT_ADDRESS="the administrator of that system" -Msharpbang
> >  -Mconditional -DPERL_BIN="/usr/bin/perl" -DPERL_WARN=""
> >  -DPERL_TAINT="" -m755 -isa-update.raw -osa-update
> >  cp sa-update blib/script/sa-update
> >  /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/sa-
> update
> >  PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
> >  "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> >  t/basic_lint....................ok
> >  t/basic_obj_api.................ok
> >  t/bayesdbm......................ok
> >  t/bayesdbm_flock................ok
> >  t/bayessdbm.....................ok
> >  t/bayessdbm_seen_delete.........ok
> >  t/bayessql......................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/blacklist_autolearn...........ok
> >  t/body_mod......................ok
> >  t/check_implemented.............ok
> >  t/cidrs.........................ok
> >  t/config_errs...................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/config_text...................ok
> >  t/cpp_comments_in_spamc.........ok
> >  t/date..........................ok
> >  t/db_awl_path...................ok
> >  t/db_based_whitelist............ok
> >  t/db_based_whitelist_ips........ok
> >  t/dcc...........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/debug.........................ok
> >  t/desc_wrap.....................ok
> >  t/dkim..........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/dnsbl.........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/dnsbl_sc_meta.................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/duplicates....................ok
> >  t/get_all_headers...............ok
> >  t/get_headers...................ok
> >  t/gtube.........................ok
> >  t/hashcash......................ok
> >  t/html_colors...................ok
> >  t/html_obfu.....................ok
> >  t/html_utf8.....................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/ifversion.....................ok
> >  t/ip_addrs......................ok
> >  t/lang_lint.....................ok
> >  t/lang_pl_tests.................couldn't set locale correctly
> >  t/lang_pl_tests.................ok
> >  t/line_endings..................ok
> >  t/lint_nocreate_prefs...........ok
> >  t/memory_cycles.................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/meta..........................ok
> >  t/metadata......................ok
> >  t/mimeheader....................ok
> >  t/mimeparse.....................ok
> >  t/missing_hb_separator..........ok
> >  t/mkrules.......................ok
> >  t/nonspam.......................ok
> >  t/plugin........................ok
> >  t/plugin_file...................ok
> >  t/plugin_priorities.............ok
> >  t/prefs_include.................ok
> >  t/priorities....................ok
> >  t/razor2........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/rcvd_parser...................ok
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 1/115
> >  100% Completed  18.86 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2909.18 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 7/115
> >  100% Completed  21.38 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 1984.06 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 10/115
> >  100% Completed  23.60 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2210.63 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 15/115
> >  100% Completed   7.88 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 570.65 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 58/115
> >  100% Completed  21.26 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2125.31 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 62/115
> >  100% Completed  23.91 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 874.91 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 65/115
> >  100% Completed  20.02 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2849.00 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 72/115
> >  100% Completed  20.16 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 3866.91 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 75/115
> >  100% Completed  22.07 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2544.47 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 82/115
> >  100% Completed  20.35 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2564.07 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 89/115.........
> >  100% Completed  14.39 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 1589.71 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok 107/115
> >  100% Completed  23.23 rules/sec in 00m00s
> >
> >  100% Completed 2139.41 bases/sec in 00m00s
> >  t/re_base_extraction............ok
> >  t/recips........................ok
> >  t/recreate......................ok
> >  t/recursion.....................ok
> >  t/regexp_valid..................ok
> >  t/relative_scores...............ok
> >  t/report_safe...................ok
> >  t/reportheader..................ok
> >  t/reportheader_8bit.............ok
> >  t/root_spamd....................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_tell...............skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_tell_paranoid......skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_tell_x.............skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_tell_x_paranoid....skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_u..................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_u_dcc..............skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_x..................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/root_spamd_x_paranoid.........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/rule_multiple.................ok
> >  t/rule_names....................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/rule_tests....................ok
> >  t/rule_types....................ok
> >  t/sha1..........................ok
> >  t/shortcircuit..................ok
> >  t/spam..........................ok
> >  t/spamc.........................ok
> >  t/spamc_B.......................ok
> >  t/spamc_c.......................ok
> >  t/spamc_c_stdout_closed.........ok
> >  t/spamc_cf......................ok
> >  t/spamc_E.......................ok
> >  t/spamc_H.......................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamc_headers.................ok
> >  t/spamc_l.......................ok
> >  t/spamc_optC....................ok
> >  t/spamc_optL....................ok
> >  t/spamc_x_e.....................ok
> >  t/spamc_x_E_R...................ok
> >  t/spamc_y.......................ok
> >  t/spamc_z.......................ok
> >  t/spamd.........................ok
> >  t/spamd_allow_user_rules........ok
> >  t/spamd_hup.....................ok 4/110# Failed test 5 in
> >  t/spamd_hup.t at line 40
> >  log/ does not exist post restart at t/spamd_hup.t line 40.
> >  t/spamd_hup.....................NOK 5Could not open pid file
> >  log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  t/spamd_hup.....................ok 6/110Could not open pid file
> >  log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  Could not open pid file log/ No such file or directory
> >  t/spamd_hup.....................FAILED tests 5, 7-110
> >         Failed 105/110 tests, 4.55% okay
> >  t/spamd_kill_restart............ok
> >  t/spamd_kill_restart_rr.........ok
> >  t/spamd_ldap....................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_maxchildren.............ok
> >  t/spamd_maxsize.................ok
> >  t/spamd_parallel................ok
> >  t/spamd_plugin..................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_port....................ok
> >  t/spamd_prefork_stress..........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_prefork_stress_2........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_prefork_stress_3........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_prefork_stress_4........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_protocol_10.............ok
> >  t/spamd_report..................ok
> >  t/spamd_report_ifspam...........ok
> >  t/spamd_ssl.....................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_ssl_accept_fail.........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_ssl_tls.................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_ssl_v2..................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_ssl_v23.................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_ssl_v3..................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/spamd_stop....................ok
> >  t/spamd_symbols.................ok
> >  t/spamd_syslog..................ok
> >  t/spamd_unix....................ok
> >  t/spamd_unix_and_tcp............ok
> >  t/spamd_user_rules_leak.........ok
> >  t/spamd_utf8....................ok
> >  t/spf...........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/sql_based_whitelist...........skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/strip2........................ok
> >  t/strip_no_subject..............ok
> >  t/stripmarkup...................ok
> >  t/tainted_msg...................ok
> >  t/text_bad_ctype................ok
> >  t/trust_path....................ok
> >  t/uri...........................ok
> >  t/uri_html......................ok
> >  t/uri_text......................ok
> >  t/uribl.........................skipped
> >         all skipped: no reason given
> >  t/utf8..........................ok
> >  t/util_wrap.....................ok
> >  t/whitelist_addrs...............ok
> >  t/whitelist_from................ok
> >  t/whitelist_subject.............ok
> >  t/whitelist_to..................ok
> >  t/zz_cleanup....................ok
> >  Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> >  --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------
> >  t/spamd_hup.t              110  105  95.45%  5 7-110
> >  35 tests skipped.
> >  Failed 1/143 test scripts, 99.30% okay. 105/2019 subtests failed,
> 94.80% okay.
> >  make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 29
> >   /usr/local/bin/make test -- NOT OK
> >  Running make install
> >   make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
> >
> >
> >  --
> >  Asif Iqbal
> >  PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:
> >
> --
> Asif Iqbal
> PGP Key: 0xE62693C5 KeyServer:

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