ram wrote:
On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 10:23 -0700, Kelson wrote:
ram wrote:
header __FROMOFFICE From  =~/office/i
header __SUBOFFICE  Subject  =~/office/i

score OFFICERULE 4.0
And don't forget to add word boundaries. You probably don't want it matching on "officer"

header __FROMOFFICE From  =~/\boffice\b/i
header __SUBOFFICE  Subject  =~/\boffice\b/i

For subject , yes But I think we should not check word boundary on the from. How about the typical 419 , we are all sick of
From: Claimsagent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I assume the OP wants to target these

and how about a legitimate
From: security officer ...

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