Yves Goergen wrote:

I have upgraded SpamAssassin from 3.1.8 to 3.2.4 today. First I got errors about a "nonexistent" path all the time. Then I added the path to the auto_whitelist directory in local.cf. Now I get this error message every few seconds:

Apr 4 20:01:36 mond spamd[14283]: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed: locker: safe_lock: cannot create lockfile /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.mutex: Permission denied
Spamd will never be able to access anything in /root/. 3.1.8 shouldn't have been able to do so any more than 3.2.4 could, but that might have been a bug..

If spamd finds itself running as root when it's time to scan mail, it will setuid itself to nobody for security.

If you're always scanning mail as one user, you can create a non-privileged user account and pass that after the -u parameter to either spamd (ie: in your startup script) or to spamc (ie: in your scan-time calls).

Just remember to su to that user when running sa-learn.

This time, I couldn't find a solution on the web. Here's the directory listing:

20:35 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/.spamassassin > ls -al
total 516
drwx------   2 root root   4096 Apr  4 16:35 ./
drwxr-xr-x  14 root root   4096 Apr  4 19:03 ../
-rw-------   1 root root  12288 Apr  4 16:42 auto-whitelist
-rw-------   1 root root      6 Apr  4 19:03 auto-whitelist.mutex
-rw-------   1 root root    350 Apr  4 17:42 bayes.mutex
-rw-------   1 root root  24576 Apr  4 17:42 bayes_seen
-rw-------   1 root root 647168 Apr  4 17:42 bayes_toks

What's the problem? Before the upgrade, I removed all traces from SA on the system (locate & rm -rf).
That was probably unnecessary.. SA will blow itself away if it's already present when you go to install it. The only time you run into trouble is if you change the PREFIX, and end up with one installed in /usr/ and the other in /usr/local.

It was previously installed through CPAN. But I don't think that CPAN is that "comprehensive" at all and decided not to use it again where I can. This SA was installed from the tarball. The /root/.spamassassin directory was created automatically then.

So if it doesn't work out of the box, what can I do next?
Don't use root with spamd :)

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