Hi Everyone.


I am trying to reduce Spam from Forged hotmail addresses. I understand
that because I am on Spamassassin 3.1.7, that my hotmail rules are
out-of-date. They do, however, manage to correctly fire on the forged
hotmail Spam, but not with a score high enough to flag the mail as such.


We have SPF enabled in Spamassassin, but I fear that it is not doing
anything. Is there another option I am meant to enable other than
"loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF" in init.pre?


Can we do SPF checking for specific domains, or is it "once it's on it
checks everything" type of thing?



Michael Hutchinson

Manux Solutions Ltd

Phone: 0800 328 324 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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