On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 06:22:58PM +0100, Justin Mason wrote:
> William Taylor writes:
> > Is there anyway to extend this in DNSEval.pm locally without patching? 
> > Maybe with a plugin or something?
> > 
> >   my @originating = ();
> >   for my $header ('X-Originating-IP', 'X-Apparently-From') {
> >     my $str = $pms->get($header);
> >     next unless $str;
> >     push (@originating, ($str =~ m/($IP_ADDRESS)/g));
> >   }
> > 
> > I want to add a few headers here but I didn't want to have to patch on each 
> > upgrade.
> hi William --
> meant to reply to your private mail, but list mail is better ;) The best
> bet to get it into the mainline is to add a configuration setting to
> Conf.pm, specifying the names of additional headers to look up.
> Failing that, why not add your additional headers using
> "X-Originating-IP" in the first place? ;)
> --j.

No worries Justin.. Thought about the list today lol

Isn't Conf.pm overwritten when upgrading? 
Can you give me an example of what I would put in there or point me in the 
right direction? 

We need custom ones for internal reasons.


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