John Hardin wrote:
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Marc Perkel wrote:

To participate all you have to do is set your highest numbered MX to point to:

Several people have asked me how I'm doing this and can they have my code to do it themselves. My situation is unique enough that it just won't work very easilly any place else and it's definitely not clean enough for just anyone to install.

You should make an effort to clean it up so that others *can* install it as a standalone daemon, as I suggested. Why? How long will it be before the spambots explicitly refuse to contact your honeypot if it is listed as an MX for the domain they're attacking?

Good point. I suppose that if this grows I can point to my traps using other hostnames. I can also set up traps on virtual server under OpenVZ so spammers won't know what IP ranges to avoid.

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