Well now, if a spambot actually does start recognizing and avoiding his system, 
doesn't that mean he wins and the spammer loses?

>>> John Hardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/08/08 12:11 PM >>>
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Marc Perkel wrote:

> To participate all you have to do is set your highest numbered MX to 
> point to:
> tarbaby.junkemailfilter.com
> Several people have asked me how I'm doing this and can they have my 
> code to do it themselves. My situation is unique enough that it just 
> won't work very easilly any place else and it's definitely not clean 
> enough for just anyone to install.

You should make an effort to clean it up so that others *can* install it as a 
standalone daemon, as I suggested. Why? How long will it be before the spambots 
explicitly refuse to contact your honeypot if it is listed as an MX for the 
domain they're attacking?

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