I am moving from old smtp(MX)/amavisd/spamassassin server to a
                 new smtp(MX)/amavisd/spamassassin server

I will be forwarding particular users email from the old server to the
new server as they are moved by using an alias in /etc/postfix/aliases.
I wish the new server to receive the forwarded mail from the old server
and treat it as though it was external, ie., filter it and deliver to
mailbox on new server.  It was suggested by the postfix users to use the
internal_networks configuration to accomplish this.

So, ... is this configuration correct? ...

I have old server which is a trusted host(relays spam, but does not
originate spam) which has IP aaa.bbb.ccc.11.  This host is also a MX for
my domain.

I have a new server which is a trusted host and a MX for my domain which
has IP aaa.bbb.ccc.12.

so, in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf on new server I would put

trusted_networks aaa.bbb.ccc.0/24  !my class C

internal_networks aaa.bbb.ccc.11! old server/MX


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