> On May 28, 2008, at 10:38 AM, Rocco Scappatura wrote:
> >
> > Hello,


> > I'm using SA with SQL support under Amavid-new. My DBMS is MySQL.
> >
> > I 'm preparing one another Antispam server and I ve installed the 
> > latest stable software available.
> >
> > I ve dumped bayes DB (schema + data) from an already 
> working machine 
> > and I ve restore them on the new machine.
> How did you do this dump?  Which tables did you get?

Thanks for your interesting.. It was a my fault.. Infact I have noted
that the 'amavis' user could not access to all bayes  DB tables other
then 'awl'..

Anyway, now all works fine..

Still thanks,


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