We use exim as a MTA. But our legit e-mail get tagged as spam . So I 
wanted to dump our frequent e-mailers and pump into MySql so they can get 
bypassed. I am using the whitelist_from email command  in the local.cf 
file. and that has over 12K entries . The legit email addresses that I 
specified are still getting tagged. 

I am still new to SA and Exim. I hope this answer your question , and I do 
appreciate your response/help . 

Thanks again . 

Jeremy Davila 
Systems Administrator
Direct: 646-205-2136

The LanguageWorks, Inc.
1123 Broadway, Suite 201
New York, NY 10010

The LanguageWorks, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company which: 
"Facilitates global communication by providing foreign language 
translation, editing, proofreading, and cultural analysis. Additional 
services include on-site interpreting and document review, foreign 
language page layout, conversion of web sites into multiple languages, and 
multilingual voice-overs for radio spots and video productions."

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John Hardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
05/29/2008 05:03 PM

Re: Whitelisting via MySQL

On Thu, 29 May 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> How can I set-up a whitelist via MySql.....so SA does not check those
> addresses that are legit. Any help will much appreciated.

If you don't want SA to check "legit" addresses, then you need to 
whitelist them in whatever passes the message to SA for scoring (MTA, 
milter, procmail, etc.).

If you use some facility within SA to whitelist, then you can't avoid SA 
processing the message - you may be able to minimize the processing 
through shortcutting, but SA is still processing the message.

So, what exactly gives the message to SA for scoring in your environment? 
Tell us that, and we may be able to provide specific suggestions.

  John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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