On 6/7/08 at 3:19 PM Larry Nedry wrote:
>Hi All,
>A few days ago whitelist_auth and whitelist_from_dkim stopped working.
>Everything else seems to be working well.  I haven't made any changes to
>the server recently so I find this puzzling.
>neither of these rules work:
>    whitelist_from_dkim    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    whitelist_auth    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>And it doesn't matter whether the rules are placed in local.cf or the
>userprefs MySQL table.
>whitelist_from and white_from_rcvd still work so I'm using those as a stop
>This server is running SA 3.1.4 with compiled rules and user prefs in MySQL.
>Does anyone have any ideas what might have caused this to stop working?  Or
>how I could troubleshoot it?

Anyone?  Any ideas at all?  I would really appreciate ANY ideas or
suggestions on how to troubleshoot or resolve this issue.


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