At 20:34 13-06-2008, Ms.Engineer wrote:
I just setup a server  2 days ago and had one active domain running in it.
I still get tons of spams, the hit rate was well below 10%. Out of every 10 spams, less than 1 was tagged in average.
My score to tag is 5, 8 to delete

Now I focus my customizations on plugins which I hope can enhance the chance of catching spams. The followings are my plugins list, I wonder if there are any plugin which I should include/exclude to make my SA work better.

Looking for which plugin to include is like looking for a stop spam button. That is the wrong approach. Instead of focusing on plugins, you should find out why your hit rate is so low. You can do that by posting a sample of the spam messages that got through to a website together with the rules they hit. People will then point you to the rules or plugins they use to catch such spam.


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