Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
Matt Kettler wrote:
if so that fake helo should not be fake :=)
Well, it shouldn't be fake, because really is

However, it would appear that athena.apache.orgdidn't get an answer to its PTR querry.. either that or the headers generated by are just broken.

On 27.06.08 14:45, mouss wrote:
qpsmtpd headers do not show rDNS.

bad. SA afaik doesn't resolve IPS in headers, it expectd MTA to use it. iirs there was some discussion about MTA's not doing that, Maybe it could do
that for such MTAs (check list archive)

This would indeed fix the problem. but I'm not sure if it won't cause trouble for those who use fetchmail (given that many rDNS setups are borked, I mean).
and anyway, there's no reason to believe helo is forged since
$ host has address

sice there's no DNS name in received and SA doesn't translate IP, it assumes
that there is no DNS so the helo is forged.

I don't know why Benny got FM_FAKE_HELO_VERIZON. Whan I get direct mail from Matt, it does not trigger this rule, because my postfix does rDNS lookup. When I get his mail via the list, I don't go deep past the list server. so it's ok in both cases.

but maybe he is using fetchmail or similar?

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