On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 12:16 -0400, DAve wrote:
> andys wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > for a mail server running email for multiple domains what is the
> > typical/recommended way to collect emails which arent detected as spam to
> > be processed by sa-learn? Users are downloading mail via POP3, so once a
> > users sees a mail and decides that it is in fact spam its already been
> > removed from the mail server. If the user forwards the mail to a special
> > mailbox for processing then the mail is obviously now different from the
> > original spam, the user is the sender etc. Will sa-learn still work using
> > this method? and if not what else can I implement that would work?
> > thanks for any comments, Andy :P
> We have had good luck by setting the email clients of *trusted* users 
> to leave their mail on the server for 1 day. The users can then login to 
> their webmail and move the spam to a SPAM folder and a selection of ham 
> to a HAM folder. I train bayes on those folders each night.

That requires IMAP, though, correct?

That actually may work for Andy - set up both POP and IMAP, and for
selected users have them use IMAP rather then POP and provide them with
server-side ham and spam training folders. That won't require all users
to use IMAP, with the resulting storage requirements on the server.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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