At 17:34 16-07-2008, Ron Smith wrote:
I'm using spamc/spamd with CommuniGate Pro. When spamd puts the file
in the submission folder it USUALLY gets a .sub extension applied
within a minute or two. However I am seeing orphaned files that are
both non-spam and spam that just get left as .tmp files. Many times
these files have multiple .tmp extensions (up to 9 or 10 of them) as
though spamd just coughed and started over.

spamd does not put files in folders. spamc sends the contents of the file to spamd. The contents are evaluated and the results are returned back to spamc.

You can enable debugging in spamd to see what is happening at that end. Find out what process is creating those .tmp files. The process should usually do the cleaning up.

The probability of getting feedback is higher if you provide technical information such as log entries which demonstrate what is going on. If it's a spamd configuration problem, you can get the debug output by following


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