Dear all,

I had a running Spamassassin until I had to reboot. After that Spamassassin 
won't start. So I decided to upgrade both Perl and Spamassassin

While running test spamassassin I get this:

Failed Test                Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed       
t/spamc_B.t                               9    1  11.11%  9                    
t/spamc_E.t                               2    1  50.00%  2                    
t/spamc_c.t                               2    1  50.00%  1                    
t/spamc_c_stdout_closed.t                 2    1  50.00%  1                    
t/spamc_cf.t                              4    2  50.00%  3-4                  
t/spamc_headers.t                         5    2  40.00%  3-4                  
t/spamc_optC.t                            9    4  44.44%  2 4 6 8              
t/spamc_optL.t                           16   16 100.00%  1-16                 
t/spamc_x_E_R.t                          49    5  10.20%  4-6 8 11             
t/spamc_x_e.t                             7    3  42.86%  2-4                  
t/spamc_z.t                               9    5  55.56%  4-5 7-9              
t/spamd.t                                14    7  50.00%  5-6 8-10 12-13       
t/spamd_allow_user_rules.t                5    1  20.00%  4                    
t/spamd_hup.t                           110   10   9.09%  11 22 33 44 55 66 77 
                                                          88 99 110            
t/spamd_kill_restart.t                   93    1   1.08%  93                   
t/spamd_kill_restart_rr.t                93    1   1.08%  93                   
t/spamd_maxchildren.t                    22   10  45.45%  3-7 17-21            
t/spamd_parallel.t                       20   10  50.00%  2-6 16-20            
t/spamd_port.t                            4    2  50.00%  3-4                  
t/spamd_protocol_10.t                    10    8  80.00%  2-4 6-10             
t/spamd_report.t                          6    3  50.00%  3-5                  
t/spamd_report_ifspam.t                  10    3  30.00%  3-5                  
t/spamd_stop.t                            2    1  50.00%  2                    
t/spamd_symbols.t                         3    2  66.67%  2-3                  
t/spamd_syslog.t                          7    5  71.43%  3-7                  
t/spamd_unix.t                            4    2  50.00%  3-4                  
t/spamd_unix_and_tcp.t                   10    2  20.00%  3 8                  
t/spamd_user_rules_leak.t                28    6  21.43%  3-6 9 20             
35 tests skipped.                                                              
Failed 28/143 test scripts, 80.42% okay. 115/2018 subtests failed, 94.30% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2                                               
  /usr/local/bin/make test -- NOT OK                       

What to do?                    
Lars Ebeling

"I am not young enough to know everything."
-- Oscar Wilde

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