ram wrote:
On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 12:13 +0100, Martin Gregorie wrote:
On Fri, 2008-08-22 at 11:55 +0200, mouss wrote:
you can unsubscribe via email without a password (and without having a yahoo account):

OK, thanks for the info. I don't use Yahoo Groups and wasn't sure if
there was some gotcha to prevent people from being unsubscribed by


Unfortunately there seems none. Any group owner can approve my id on my "friend's" request. This is ridiculous.

Nobody can "approve". but an admin can subscribe people without a confirmation request. but there is nothing new here. you can do that in mailman too.

The problem with yahoo and the like is their audience. They are targetting people who don't know how to subscribe or unsubscribe. if they implement a "forced" COI, they'll lose their users. This is a problem for a lot of companies as well (they lose their "contacts" if they require periodic verification, ... etc). Yeah, spammers have killed many businesses...

I worked on projects targetted at "young" people (and guess what, most were yahoo and hotmail users). it makes you revise your most basic axioms! Fortunately, it's just a "souvenir from the past" now.

( Especially After the spamza.com  where you get your "friend's"
subscribed into 1000's of unconfirmed opt-ins ... Yahoo should do better
than that )

Last time I checked, yahoo closed groups after complaints. so AFAIK, they do watch for "suspicious" behaviour.

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