--On Wednesday, September 03, 2008 11:16 AM +0100 David Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi! since you guys told be that version 3.1.8 wasn't receiving updates
because it's to old, I trying to upgrade spamassassin. Since I can't
upgrade the server (I'm using Fedora 3), I've downloaded the latest
tarball and did rpmbuild -tb  Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.5.tar.gz.
When trying to install the rpm, I got a an error that  some perl modules
were outdates. So, i run cpan> install Bundle::CPAN, which upgrade my
perl environment. Now, when trying to build the rpm from the tarball
after a while I get

Don't mix package managers!!! CPAN and RPM don't know what each other install, so installing dependencies from one won't satisfy the other. (A package manager is just a database that tracks what's installed, what package owns which file.)

If you want to run an RPM-based distro, you need to get all your packages as RPMs, so that your RPM database knows what you have.

If you use the SA package from RPMForge, set up yum to use RPMForge as a yum repository and you can use it to find all the dependencies as RPMs and install them at the same time automagically. Install the rpmforge-release package for FC3 to get the necessary yum config.


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