I just upgraded to 3.2.5 and have encountered some regressions. First, I'm getting tons of the following in my logs, literally metric tons:
Sep 11 17:11:28 spamd2 spamd[27357]: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/Check.pm line 1028, <GEN442> line 315. In order to get it to stop, I had to disable the shortcircuit plugin in v320.pre. I filled a partition with this line in a couple minutes flat. I particularly value the savings I get from this plugin, so I would like to know how I can re-enable it! This problem is also present in 3.2.4, but not in 3.2.3, if that helps. Additionally, I am getting the following: Sep 11 20:25:41 spamd2 spamd[26599]: DNS query timeout for gamma._domainkey.gmail.com Sep 11 20:16:02 spamd2 spamd[21923]: Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/DNS/RR/TXT.pm line 11, <GEN203> line 78. Sep 11 20:16:02 spamd2 spamd[21923]: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/DNS/RR/TXT.pm line 11, <GEN203> line 78. These are obviously related to domainkeys/dkim, but the perl errors are ugly. Thanks for everyone's work on SA, its really appreciated, Micah