Hi Alangchang,
At 06:40 21-09-2008, Alangchang Zuuzuu wrote:
  Now I try to update rule of spamassassin through proxy.

I inserted <http://proxy:port>http://proxy:port in /etc/wgetrc already but when I type command

#sa-update -D

I see this :


[8931] dbg: channel: no MIRRORED.BY file available
[8931] dbg: http: GET request, spamassassin.apache.org/updates/MIRRORED.BY
[8931] dbg: http: request failed, retrying: 500 Can't connect to spamassassin.apache.org:80 (connect: timeout): 500 Can't connect to spamassassin.apache.org:80 (connect: timeout)

sa-update does not use wget to download updates. From http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/RuleUpdates

sa-update uses the LWP::UserAgent module, which allows certain environment variables to be set so that requests use defined proxy servers. The main one of interest is "http_proxy", which should be set to an URL defining the proxy. ie: export http_proxy='http://proxy.example.com:8080/'


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