Hi Simon,

I could never get razor2 to compile and run properly in native Windows. I did get pyzor to work, sort of, but it would periodically hang without any error and cause the server to just sit there and wait forever. I never did track that down, just ended up disabling pyzor.

If you'd like to run pyzor, or any other helper that requires launching a program, there's a simple change you need to make to util.pm in the sub helper_app_pipe_open_windows. There's a space between the < (pipe in character) and the " (quote). Windows server doesn't allow space between the pipe character and the filename that you're piping in, so the invoke fails. Removing the space fixes that. (I should have opened yet another bugzilla item for this, but since none of the popular plugins work on windows anyway, I never went back to clean up this last helper app call issue.) It's one of two changes I make before I install every version of SA. The other is for using MS SQL for bayes.

Usual location information when running SA under ActivePerl for Windows:

c:\perl\site\bin = where the commands are installed to execute spamassassin from the command line

c:\perl\site\lib\mail\spamassassin = where the perl modules get installed

c:\perl\html\site\lib\mail\spamassassin = where the documentation gets installed

c:\perl\site\etc\mail\spamassassin = where your local configuration files reside, these are the ones you change to configure it. Note that SA loads every .pre and .cf file in this directory. If you need to make backups, either put them in a subdirectory or change the extension-- otherwise they get loaded too. This is also the directory where you can put any add-on rules that aren't being updated with sa-update. Generally, files get loaded in alphabetical order, first all the .pre files, then all the .cf files.

c:\perl\site\share\spamassassin = where the initial default rules are installed, you should never modify these

c:\perl\site\var\spamassassin\version# = where sa-update installs rules, these override the default rules, you should never modify these

There are other directories that matter, but those largely depend on how you are calling SA, and should be documented in whatever application is used.

If do decide to try pyzor or other plugins that rely on hashing algorithms, you'll want to track stats on their effectiveness. Without that you'll never know whether the algorithm accounts for the line ending difference between linux and windows. At least some of the algorithms do not and you'll never see a hit on any message because of that. That is, the crlf vs lf means the hash number is different between linux and windows and therefore messages never get seen as spam. I do not know whether the razor or pyzor algorithms account for that difference.


On 10/19/2008 11:41 AM, simonmason wrote:
Thanks I fixed all of these.  Now I am going to try and figure out razor2 and
python under windows.  I haven't seen any good how-tos on this?

Gary V wrote:
Just a couple things that stuck out for me. This is not an extensive

[4028] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in
"C:\Perl\site/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf": use_dcc 1
Remove use_dcc from local.cf. This in a plugin that is turned on or
off in V310.pre.

dbg: config: read file C:\Perl\site/etc/mail/spamassassin/Copy (2) of
dbg: config: read file C:\Perl\site/etc/mail/spamassassin/Copy of
SA will parse any file with a .cf file extension in the pertinent
directories. To avoid unexpected results, use a different file
extension for backup copies of .cf files (.old for example).

Gary V

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