Michelle Konzack wrote:
> ************************************************************************
> *       Do not Cc: me, because I READ THIS LIST, if I write here       *
> *    Keine Cc: am mich, ich LESE DIESE LISTE wenn ich hier schreibe    *
> ************************************************************************
> Am 2008-10-16 22:39:42, schrieb Matt Kettler:
>> CC + post is the normal commonly accepted format for this list, and is
>> the manner in which most members of the SpamAssassin PMC, myself
>> included, conduct themselves when posting.  Please also respect that
>> this is the SpamAssassin list, not your list. Do not attempt to dictate
>> posting rules here. If you don't like how the list operates, please
>> bring it up with the PMC ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), but bear in
>> mind, it is our list to operate as we choose, and you will need to make
>> a compelling argument here.
> Maybe you can pay me GSM/UMTS bill?
No, but if the post volume bothers you, I would strongly set your
subscription to not email you the messages, and check them over any of
the web archives noted on the website.

alternatively, you'll save a lot of bandwidth by using digest mode,
which sends you one email a day, reducing overhead from all the message

And remember, you're the one who chooses subscribe to this list. If it
doesn't suit you, nobody is forcing you to be subscribed.

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