It sounds obvious now.

BUT , before I added the UDP dns firewall rules. I  could successfully do :

lookups using the host command ,
lookups with the example snippet in the Net::DNS man page
all DNS & RBL tests with my older SA installation  ( 3.0.4 )

... So I didn't think that I needed that UDP firewall rule.

maybe the newert SA versions forces Net::DNS to use UDP where old versions didn't ...

Oh well.


Kris Deugau wrote:
Daniel Bourque wrote:
After some playing around, turns out that Net::DNS performs certain test with via UDP port 53, therefore, I had to accept UDP packets from my nameserver's udp:53

... uhhhh...  *yes*, you have to accept UDP packets on port 53.... O_o

*Most* DNS traffic is UDP. If you're blocking port 53/UDP, you're blocking most of your DNS lookups - this isn't special to Net::DNS.


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