Hello Ned,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 5:43:22 PM, you wrote:

> sergioser wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> During last month I receive a lot of messages with russian language subjects
>> with hard sexual words.
>> Spamassassin just let through all of them.
>> Maybe somebody have special filters for messages like these, do you know?
>> Or maybe you can help to configure spamd for effective fight with these
>> messages?
>> thanks for any help.

> This is what I use to detect undesirable character sets in the subject:

> header          LOCAL_CHARSET_SUBJECT   Subject:raw =~ 
> /\=\?(koi8-r|windows-1251|iso-2022-jp|gb2312)\?/i
> score           LOCAL_CHARSET_SUBJECT   3
> describe        LOCAL_CHARSET_SUBJECT   Contains charsets we don't accept

> They are most likely koi8-r so this would catch them. Score the rule as
> you see fit.

Sorry,but I'm new in spamassassin users.Can you say where I must write
this rules?
Thanks again.

Best regards,
Sergio Bortsov(Neonet ISP),                           mailto:[EMAIL 

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