On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 11:26 +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 17.11.08 18:15, Mark Martinec wrote:
> > > I have been using USER_IN_SPF_WHITELIST to whitelist mails from google
> > > alerts
> > > It had been working fine , but last 2-3 days I see that these mails dont
> > > get an SPF-pass. Seems guys at google are using some other servers
> > 
> > whitelist_from_dkim  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> whitelist_auth should apply for both SPF and DKIM
> (hmmm, what if the mail passes one check, but fails the another?)

Oops sorry,
The trusted networks setting was wrong on one of the servers. That
messed up the SPF. 

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