Hello guys,

I'm running a small-sized hosting provider and currently our setup is

1 mailbox server running exim (only local delivery)
1 antispam server running exim + mailscanner + spamassassin + mailwatch ->
sends all approved mail to mailbox server
2 mysql servers (master-slave) running databases for mailwatch +
spamassassin (bayes)

I have two questions about this, hope someone can help me.

1. Because all the load goes to the smtp server now and to add some
redundancy to our setup, we would like to add another antispam server, with
the same setup (which is working fine). Will this be possible (concerning
spamassassin), with two nodes sharing the same bayes database on the mysql
servers? Is it possible to have two nodes feeding the same bayes database?

2. On my mailbox server I'd like to have a script which goes into the
mailfolders, searches for a folder with the name 'Spam', feeds the message
to sa-learn (which should be feeding it to the same bayes database of
course), and then delete the message. Do you think this is a well-thought
approach of having my users train the spam filters this way? Maybe there are
already such scripts available?

Thanks in advance,


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